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Equality Policy

Our policy on Equality & Equal Opportunity

The Shore Group is an equal opportunities employer. The aim of this policy is to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the basis of gender, race, disability, colour, nationality, ethic or national origin, marital status, sexuality, responsibility for dependants, religion, trade union activity or age.
All employees will be given equality of opportunity within the company and will be encouraged to progress within the organisation. To ensure that no direct or indirect discrimination is occurring, recruitment and other employment decisions will be regularly monitored in conjunction with ethnicity, gender, disability, records of job applicants and existing employees. The company is committed to a programme of action to make this policy fully effective. The Shore Group will put this policy into practice by:
  • Ensuring the recruitment, selection, training, promotion, discipline and dismissal of staff is on the basis of merit and ability of the employee.
  • Ensure that no employee is subject to victimisation, discrimination and harassment and making it clear that these are disciplinary offences.
  • Endeavouring to ensure the workplace is accessible and managed to suit the needs of all staff, employees and sub-contractors, as far as is reasonably possible.
  • Ensuring that all employees know and understand the policy.
The Managing Director has overall responsibility for equal opportunities and will ensure that the policy is properly implemented, monitored and periodically reviewed, in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions.
This policy will be reviewed annually.

Get in touch.

The Shore Group